

Mary Ann (Wallace) Iyer, M.D. is a licensed physician, whose awakening led her to understand that the way to health involves waking up to our True Purpose. Full wellbeing includes attending to both our outer and inner selves.

Dr. Mary leads workshops which invite individuals into deeper awareness of their path in life. Her gentle, astute Presence leads participants into the safety of their own precious Hearts, where answers to perplexing problems lie.

Under the name, Mary Ann Wallace, MD, she has published several books and CDS. Visit http://www.maryanniyer.com/ for more details.

To bring Dr. Mary to your area, email: DrMA@maryanniyer.com

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

I’ve been bathed lately with the knowing of – “just Space”.
Where giving and receiving seem like – what – only nuances of breath.

A recent example.
A homeless man in front of the PO. Shivering in the cold.
Asking for money – for wine I know.

The flash of overlay of an earlier thought ---
that I have too many blankets stuffing my closet -
accumulated through gifts of years’ past.

The obvious.

Going home. Emptying closets.
Having a celebration of blanket give-away where it matters.
Where the blanket belongs.

Where someone is cold.

One example.
On it goes. This breath. This moment. This calling.
Joy to you, Dear One ~