

Mary Ann (Wallace) Iyer, M.D. is a licensed physician, whose awakening led her to understand that the way to health involves waking up to our True Purpose. Full wellbeing includes attending to both our outer and inner selves.

Dr. Mary leads workshops which invite individuals into deeper awareness of their path in life. Her gentle, astute Presence leads participants into the safety of their own precious Hearts, where answers to perplexing problems lie.

Under the name, Mary Ann Wallace, MD, she has published several books and CDS. Visit http://www.maryanniyer.com/ for more details.

To bring Dr. Mary to your area, email: DrMA@maryanniyer.com

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I enjoy the nuances of the seasons. And this year, I am also noticing – without disgruntled resistance – the impact of the passing conventional holidays. For instance, even with its ornamental, commercial interests, Valentine’s Day perks up certain closets of the heart.
So I’m going deeper into this. Curious. Asking myself what, if any, parts of myself are resisting just plain receiving love? When I grouse about the icky mounds of superfluous pink (just get on with the chocolate, will you?!), what momentum am I creating to push away the heart of the sender? How much closeness can I really handle?
It’s fertile ground – this. Noticing the myriad internalized structures of this so-called protection lest there be some (god forbid) moment of vulnerability.
I invite you on the journey. See how deeply the moments and movements of love sent your way can go – and when the reception gets cloudy -- -tune in! Open up. See what receiving love this time of year tastes like!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This New Year

It's a man-made construct - the notion of the "New Year". The cycles of the seasons are continuous and ongoing. And I love that this idea we've agreed on - defining winter as the time to designate new beginnings - is in keeping with the natural flow. All goes inward in nature in the winter. The sap slows, deepening down into the roots. Only the healthy stock survives to face, grow and blossom into the new year.
It is a time when many make resolutions for this next turning of the wheel. What I notice is that many of these promises-to-the-self are taken on externally like a cloak. And - like a costume wrapped around, they easily fall by the wayside as the year progresses. My clients come to me in dismay about their inability to keep their commitments to themselves.
I propose that we take the time to go deeper. Settle in to the more stable center from which our actions and activities originate. Seek there the deeper intent behind or beneath those external resolutions. Then, turn that awareness into a mantra of sorts - a daily invocation to honor our deepest intentions. This gives us the strength to hold the focus of what is important by also providing the flexibility to sway with the changing circumstances that our daily lives will most definitely give us!
To you - in the Joy of the ever-changing Seasons; and the strength of the core of your Heart ~